Now playing: Solo - Iyaz.
I love teh beat. ;33
Saturday lazy madness. Maaan i'm feeling hungry. and lazy, like.. now. Urgh. I'm even too lazy to check what's in the fridge downstairs. But seriously, my stomach's giving it's daily tantrums.
Will you just shut up, lousy tummy?
Gramma's in a good mood today. Didn't even mind telling me to clean my
really really really messy room. And when I say really messy, imagine your own room get hit by a maelstrom. Other than that, I can't search for words to describe my utterly messy room. Anyway, she's out, to i-don't-know-where. Blaah.
Oh yeah, she was sooo happy last night because she got into this medical thingy and they're on the news. Mom called from Cebu, told her they saw her on the TV, but only her back. Daang. Haha. Talk about major meltdown. But she's not really pissed about it.
I cleaned my room for
three whole hours. Damn, all that sweeping and walking around like a dumbass really paid off. See?
I moved my bed to a totally new direction by myself. Maan, i probably lost some fats after that. Hell. Didn't really think this would be my idea for losing weight. Anyway, I liked how it went.
16 days to go before my birthday. I've heard somewhere that it's bad to count the days before your birthday cause you wouldn't be able to live til your birthday! Pathetic. ;3
So March 19-25 would be a whole lot of gala. But i'm still not sure. I would really like our sleep over plan to come and pursue. That would be fun, right?
Anyway, we're planning to watch Alice In Wonderland at Festi on Monday. Wanna come, dig with us? :) Holler me. Poof.
-- when silence is torn, the night is broken.