Last Song Syndrome with the song, Last Kiss by Pearl Jam. :))
Oh where Oh where can my baby be?The Lord took her away from me,She's gone to heaven so I've got to be good,So I can see my baby when I leave this world,Nyahaha. I don't know, I've known this song like my whole life but this is the only time where in I really came close with the lyrics and it's just too cute. HAHA.
Okaaay, so Kuya Clyde's a real wimp. LOL. But he makes me laugh so I can manage. :)
Today is Thursday. TRALALALALA. :)) Crazy day, just as any of the days with Mendel. Argie and Marc were so funny when we had our practice. They kept on imitating the characters. Heck, maaan. :]] LOL.
Okay, so everything went well today.
Sir Robert was absent. I don't know if that's cool or not cause he's actually one of the funniest teachers everrr. LOL. IDK, I like his teaching style and we're pretty close. I mean.. I'm comfortable with him.
Sir Ronnie told us his love story because Jeremy asked him about it. I was really dozy during CLVE time but when Jeremy asked me that, the class actually fell silent. I was like.. O_O Okayy, what's happening? But yeah, pretty cool. :) He shared some of his secrets. Cooool.
OMGOMG, Faggggg it. 5 days more to go before the play. The play! OMG. I have to run into my lines once again because I don't want to suck right then and there. Ugh.. When I typed the word
"Again", I mistyped it and a name appeared. LOL.
Chatted with Marko
(Pinirito) Kuya Tabz, and Jen Riel
(Boss). All boys? :)) HAHA. And currently chatting with Regil.. and Enzo. Fixed things with him
na. We're friends, and I'm totally fine with that.
Anyhooo, I'm feeling a little gloomy over this situation I'm currently in. It's just too sad to wait for someone who has a complex mind. I can't even guarantee if he still feels the same for me. But I'm still holding on to the words he told and promised me.
"Hindi ako mawawala. Promise."
I don't wanna be stupid all over again. But he's just totally deceiving. I hate seeing him. It makes my knees go weak. Grrrr. In love much?
NO, okay? :D
I saw TK's blog and it's good to know that she liked my new poem entitled: 11.16.09. I made that last night, when I had nothing to do. My mom was laughing at me because she told me that I looked like an addict. LOL. I always do, right? Anyway, here's the link:
11.16.09I want to have a wishlist ferr this Christmas too. :) Waaaa. I want to share it with ye, and I'm hoping you would grant it. Pleaaaaaaase? :))HAHA. Okayyy, so here's my top 5 list.
The fifth in my list would be these kind of
ice creams from Dairy Queen. YEYYY :)) I deserve these, I sweaaar. The Banana Split looks yummy ferreal. I'm hungry. Damn.

Fourth is
Hayley Williams' dress. Darn, I just love her. The dress doesn't have a full view, sorry ferr that. I can't seem to find any. But Google's still my bestfriend. :)

Third would be an
Ipod Touch. LOL. This seems cute, and very convenient too. I'd love to have one. NYAHAHAHA. :)) Though I still wouldn't forget about my 8gb Transcend Mp3 player and of course.. Teh amazing laptop. :DD

Second would be a
green laptop! Daaaaaaaang it, If I could just revamp my laptop and choose a green color as it's outer skin, I would soo die ferrr it. I'm loving green, :) And this green notebook looks cute o. :D

And my first? Of course..

Everybody knows I love
Paramore, right? I would sell my body ferr this! HAHA. Kidding. It's just that.. This is so cool. I wanna have one. Gaaaa. O_______O I really, really want one. Demm eeeet. Nyahahaaa. Santa,
I've been a nice girl naman e, could you just grant this? Kahit ito lang? Pleaaaaase? *falls down on her knees*
Added on my wishlist is
ELMO MAGALONA in a box with a green ribbon in it. He's my latest crusssh. Charming guy. WAHAHAHA. Search him in Google. ^___^
Will watch New Moon tomorrow. And imma pick my gown tomorrow too. :) Goodnight, everyone. Hafta wash my P.E pa. LOL.
Goodnight, universe.
-wendybear-- when silence is torn, the night is broken.