I had a normal (yeah right *sighs*) Pretty normal day, I guess. Except for the fact that I have to deal with freakin' people at school.
The morning was fine. Same old routine. I arrived early at school, grabbed my A.P book and started reading while chitchatting with my fellow early birds. Sweaaar, I love talking to them. Haha, I'd always burst into a roar of laughter because of them. :D
I saw my batchmates, but no him. because he arrives kind of late but that's okay. ;)
He accompanied me to my locker, and carried my books while I carried his. haha. I had a lot of books which were from my locker compared to his, so he carried those damn heavy books.
We said our goodbyes infront of our classroom and he said his words again, which sent my blood boil to the highest level, and so I was blushing so haaarddd.
The post test in AP was okaaay, I wrote a freakin' long essay about Cory Aquino and I was sooo proud of it. :D It just proves how devoted I am to her and her contributions.
So anywayyy.. We only had 10 minutes recess because Sir Jian got pissed with us. Damnnn it. I'm not used to seeing Sir Jian with a straight, angry face. I'm sooo bummed out. But later on, I said sorry personally. and I just hope he appreciated it. He did, right? He should.
I haven't seen him then, but I saw him at Lunch. We were together, and I was so happy. :)
Ugh, about that TLE thing. We were doing our project which was due (and rescheduled) on Tuesday, and I swear WE WERE QUIET THAT TIME, when Sir Reymer suddenly told us that we were noisy. DAMN! we weren't! I promise. We really weren't. I was sooo confused. He even pointed his finger at us, indicating and assuring us that we were the group he was talking about. So I was like.. "what? us?" and yeaah, it haunted the hell out of me. Kuya Seph and I looked at each other and I just managed to shrug.
He even said, after he dismissed the class, that we were the ones (our group) that are going to present first. FIRST! for the Oral Defense. Screw that oral defense. Goood. What is wrong with you people?!? :|
So I was like, really screwed up until PE. the quiz in PE was haaaard, but I was able to answer the questions. Thank God. :D
Yeaaah and blahblah.
We were dismissed before 4, so I had time to mingle with my friends at the court. We talkeeedd, (mostly me and angel [reggie]) about things. And I was so distracted because I had to go up again to see him because they were supposedly dismissed at 4:40 and we (grench and I) ended up waiting until 5. darn it! But it's still okay. I was able to see him anyhow. :)
Marko gave me his chocolate already. I was about to give him the other one but he refused, so I gave RK and Roger the other one. Haha.
So, that's it. :) Before he went out, he said his words again, and I said it back. And booom! :D
Daaaaarn, someone's been so sweetttt. Someone managed to put a big heart on the volleyball court (with the use of pink and red umbrellas) for their anniversary. It was so damn sweeeeet.
Haha. Sweet, sour and tiring day.
til here, perhaps? XD