
Greetings, Earthling.
First, this is my blog. Everything I post here is all
MINE unless.. otherwise stated.
I do not care if you hate or dislike things I post, these are my fuckin' opinions. I don't care.
This is an outlet for me to embrace reality and to express my thoughts. So your respect is needed and therefore necessary.

you have just landed on mount tralala. XD
Oh crap. Haven't updated this blog for days, which seemed like years for me. I missed blogging.
Anyhow, yessss. I am still alive and kicking. :D
What else is new? Hmmm, I'm planning (still planning) on attending the Volleyball training this Saturday. Although I just don't know what to expect. I mean, I'm not really that good in volleyball, yet I know how to play. A little. Haha. Okay fine I'm a suckerrr! Hahaha!
and yes, it's confirmed.. there will be no integration this year. yes i know it just sucks but if we keep on blaming the school we'll just get our asses thrown out so.. haha, guess we just have to accept that horrible fact.
my day's fine. nothing extreme really happened.. dhyrell's a freakin' clown. and dudung's birthday is coming up. hooraaahh, haha.. i'm going to give him a piece of candy and it's up to him if he'll accept it or throw it on the nearest trash can just to piss me off..
and rumors are reaching my ears.. is it true that there will be no mister and miss palaro this year? cause if it's a fact, that's just a big yey for us.. hahaha, us meaning - ALL THE SECOND YEAR muses and escorts.. or not? max hates it, it felt like he was devastated or something.. i can't be so sure though..
oh man, i really hate it when i'm surrounded with "taken" kids.. haha, dang it.. i feel out of place, to be honest.. if grabbing someone and owning them's legal and free, then i'm so going to do it, no doubts.. i don't know, i just feel so left out sometimes but that's okay.. i can manage, i think?!
people sometimes misinterpret me for something else.. i am fully aware of that.. yet i just choose not to give so much attention because i know it'll just waste my time.. i mean why would i waste a second or precious minutes proving someone who i really am when in fact it just shows through my actions and words? i don't want to change just because someone tells me to.. i know for a fact that i will change ONLY if i hurt people too much..
sometimes it's really hard to pretend that you're strong enough to just ignore.. it's one of those deeds i truly loathe.. what with all those shit i heard about me for the past years? i usually don't ignore but now, i am doing it.. still doing it and won't stop doing it until i wake up from reality saying: "man, i'm such a loser.. i should just go to hell.."
or not?!
geez, what am i saying?
anyway, GTG i have to do this TLE homework, muahahaha! xD