Haven't blogged about yesterday again! Oh bite me! Grr.
Yesterday was a fun day, actually. :) Haha. Had fun with
MENDEL, yey! We watched
The Wizard Of Oz at Gladys' crib and twas awesome. Man, they have a cool house.
Okay so.. I'll try to recall.
I arrived at Gladys' crib at around.. 12:30. Yeah, that seems right. When I got there, the only people were Annaflor and Gladys herself. I said my greetings to Gladys' mom,
(Yes, I'm one polite kid, yo. HAHA.) Honey was next after me. She wanted me to come with her at SV Montessori for some private things, LOL. after a while, I received a text message from babe (Caryl)
"Babe..san ka na? 7 11 na kami.."And so I dragged myself and went to 7-11. Caryl, Paula, Rodel, Marc and Dhyrell were there. So I welcomed them and we went to Gladys' house again. Honey was like bugging me all the time cause she wants me to accompany her. I didn't like the idea at first, because I know I'd just be out of place there, cause she's going to meet a bunch of fourth years and well.. It's kind of awkward for me. I'm a shy person, what the hell! Haha.
But then I had an idea. I wanted to visit Grench cause I had lots of things to report to him. LOL, yeah, report? Haha. Profound much? And his subdivision's just near the Eusebio residence. So I invited Caryl to go with me, and if Paula wants to go with Honey, I told her it's fine with me. But Paula wanted to go with us, so.. Honey was like sobbing
na. Haha, kidding. She was with a sad face when we left her, but I hope she really understands us. I mean, we couldn't just go around with a bunch of people we hardly know. So.. I wished her goodluck! Haha.
We entered
Greatwoods subdivision. Grench's place. I texted him to come out of their house but he was still eating. So we just stayed near their court. After some time, he asked me to ring the doorbell and so I did.. His mom went out, and welcomed us. We went inside, and boom! There were so many saints and holy stuff inside their house, I felt like I was going to burst into flames. HAHA, :D His mom's nice. :) After eating, he went with us because we were supposed to go and follow Honey at SV Montessori. But when we reached the gate of Greatwoods, I was like..
"Why do we have to go there in the first place?" And they agreed. Nyahaha. So we went back and left Grench at their house. Funny thing, we never really had a productive walk. It's mainly nonsense. It's like we just went out of the subdivison and went back again. LOL. Funneeeeehh. Sheesh.
Anyway, we rode a tricycle to go back to Gladys' place again. There were lots of Mendelites na when we arrived. Great. It was lotsa fun. I was in the mood to make kwentos about the things I know they weren't really interested in. ROFL. But of course, they love it, how I deliver my stories.
Feel na feel ko kasi. Haha. So.. yeah.
All in all, we were 23. I think? Cool. Watched The Wizard Of Oz. It's a fun movie, and i'm having positive vibes about it. I didn't like my costume, though. It's so.. puffy, and girly and whatnot. Well I like gowns.. Just that. It's so.. puffy! I'll probably look stupid, but of course.. I'm so used to that. Haha.
I'll try to tell mom about it so that we can ready it now. I don't want to run with those things in the last minute. It's much better to be ready, right? Besides.. the plays only two months away. And I can't help but get excited. Hooraaah.
Max read my inbox and sent items. Darn, he's right. I know. I'm being a little... too.. uhm. what's the word again? Okay, forget about that.
I know, I shouldn't entertain things as such but.. I mean, we're friends and that's all! Anyway, I have to like thank Max for a lot of things. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't realize things I really need to think about. Thank you, lande!
After watching, Gladys' mom served us
Carbonara! Maaan, it's so delish. We ate and took a couple of pictures after. I was so in the mood that time, despite someone's grumpiness. Damn. If he's not in the mood to text, then he could just tell me, right? I felt really bad. And.. well, yeah. So much for that.
We decided to call it a day, and I said goodbye to my classmates. :) Had fun with you guys! Superb. Haha. Caryl, Paula and I were off to SM Molino cause Paula's going to buy an umbrella. Haha, so we went there before I went home. Twas fun. I saw Adi from SSI. :) She's really pretty. And I saw Rollyn too! Who didn't attend the meeting. She said they had some place to go to that's why she wasn't able to attend. And I like looking at her, cause she's wearing violet, and all her stuff, from her toenails to her bag were all violet. Haha, my baby's a violet addict, I know.
We saw Teacher Roda in Tom's World too. We were about to ask her about the suspension of classes but we got shy, so.. Haha.
Anyway, yeah! Good news. No classes til Friday! Darn, isn't this awesome. Have faith! :D Haha, but i've been hearing news about the resume of classes tomorrow? Iono. Hope it isn't true. Please, Mrs. Sese, please?Back to the story.. Haha. After a couple of minutes, we decided to go home. Daarn, we haven't actually bought something. Weird. Haha. But I love hanging out with Caryl and Paula, you know?! They're so funny. Anyway, I went home at about 5:30. Had the chance to go online, and texted until midnight. Daaamn, he's really grumpy and it felt like he wasn't in the mood. So I didn't text him, cause I felt like.. You know, I have to NOT text him. Starting now.
I fell asleep without replying on Rk's messages. Sorry, Maaan. Oh, and no.. I didn't subscribe to Unyt last night.
I wasn't in the mood. Darn. :/

Okay, so I removed him on my groups already.
(Groups of people whom I send group messages) And I hope I wouldn't be tempted to put him back again, although I know I will in a matter of time. Sheesh.
Haven't had breakfast nor lunch. I'm starving myself. A form of sacrifice, perhaps? Haha. Cheese sticks, anyone?!
I guess this is where i'll try to end this blog post. Is this long already? I hope so. :D
Be Back Soon. <3
- Wendy.